
Brass Coal

Brass coal is obtained by converting the coal that comes out of the ground as run-of-the-mill into sizes between 5-12 mm. Factories use 70% of rice coal for steam, 20% for chicken farms and 10% for domestic heating. This coal is also washed in the washing facility and enriched by separating the dirty wastes in it. Then, according to the demand, the coal is dried and high calories are obtained and sold. Some factories buy and use only washed rice as charcoal, as they get more efficiency in just washed form. Industrial establishments burning this coal generally use stoker boiler types.

There are 3 types of product groups. You can choose according to the type of boiler you use or your request.

  • Brass charcoal
  • Washed rice charcoal
  • Washed dried rice charcoal

You can get information about rice coal prices from our contact page and get an offer.

Brass Coal What are its features?

  • Calorie : 4.000 - 4.400 Kcal
  • Dimensions : 5 - 12 mm
  • Category : Domestic Coal
  • Usage areas : BOILERSINDUSTRY